Freycinet Experience Walk-Tasmania

Great Walks of AustraliaWineglass Bay LookoutFreycinet Experience WalkFreycinet, Tasmania's East Coast


Tasmania-Freycinet Experience Walk covers the entire length of the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania’s east coast, talking you off the beaten track to remote corners of the Freycinet National Park.  Walk through coastal forest, by way of the Hazards, a pink-granite mountain range and across the white sands of Wineglass Bay,

Follow 30,000 year old tracks made by the original indigenous people of Oyster Bay.   Along the way you’ll encounter marine life, wildflowers and native Australian animals.  Choose between challenging mountain climbs or more leisurely coastal routes.

Spend each night in comfort in Friendly Beaches Lodge, located on a 130-hectare private sanctuary surrounded by the Freycinet National Park.  The eco-friendly lodge is built entirely from local timber, and uses solar power rain water supply for minimal impact to the surrounding environment.

Duration:  4 days/3 nights

Distance:  23 miles

Grade:  Easy to moderate

Best time:  October to April

Small group